UNCG Disc Golf Club
Club Constitution
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UNCG Disc Golf Club Constitution

Article I Name

The name of this organization shall be the UNCG Disc Golf Club.

Article II Objective

The objective of this organization is to promote the sport of disc golf as an enjoyable recreational activity and provide a setting for competitive play if so desired.

Article III Membership

Section 1 Any student that is enrolled in courses at UNCG, pays the student activity fee, and has filled out the appropriate paperwork is eligible to be a member.

Section 2 This organization abides by the University's commitment to nondiscrimination, therefore, no one shall be denied membership, treated disrespectfully, or antagonized based upon race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, military veteran status, political affiliation or sexual orientation. Violations of this policy will result in suspension from the organization while the club and University investigate the misconduct.

Section 3 At this time there are no set dues. However, the club may vote to change this policy at a later date.

Article IV Officers

Section 1 The officers of this organization shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Further positions may be added at a later date.

Section 2 Elections will be held every January at the start of the new spring term. Any officers that are replaced shall serve as advisors to the newly elected. This dual appointment shall last long enough that the new officers have a firm grasp on their duties, and terminate by the semester's close so that the new governing body learns to function independently.

Section 3 Term of office is one year, elections occurring every January.

Section 4 The method of election will be an informal showing of hands or an oral "yea/nay" vote. Candidates must receive a majority vote (51%) to win. If there are more than two candidates for one position, a preliminary vote will take place. In this situation, all candidates running for the desired position will be voted upon, and the two members that receive the most cumulative votes will proceed into the general election. The election date will be announced at least one week prior to elections so that the majority of the organization's members are present for voting.

Section 5 If an elected officer fails to satisfactorily perform his/her duties (as observed by the governing body or general populous of the organization) they will receive a warning. If the officer continues to behave similarly, they may be removed from their position by a majority club vote and replaced by a more suitable candidate.

Section 6 If a vacancy in office arises for any reason (removal, resignation, creation of a new position, etc.) an election will take place to fill the vacancy. This election will follow the same format as the general election held annually.

Article V Meetings

Section 1 Meetings shall be held weekly, most likely Saturdays, at a predetermined disc golf course. Barber Park will be the most common meeting ground, but road trips to other courses (High Point, Burlington, Raleigh, etc.) will occur on a regular basis. Any change in destination will be announced at least one week prior to the meeting. These meetings will be relatively informal in which the club will congregate en masse to play one (or more if so desired) round(s) of disc golf, and briefly discuss general business prior to the round.

Section 2 The governing body should meet separately on a biweekly basis to further discuss club business. Locations TBA based upon what the officers would like to do.

Section 3 At least 51% of active membership is needed for a quorum. Business may also be discussed via e-mail (still requiring 51% participation to constitute a quorum).

Article VI Executive Board and Committees

As need arises for further positions/counsels within the club, they will be created.

Article VII Finances

Section 1 The source of funds will be SGA allocations, the Campus Rec, independent fundraising, and other club related events/activities (tournaments, bag tags, etc.).

Section 2 Funds shall be expended upon the authorization of the organization by a majority vote of those present on, in the case of an emergency, expenditure upon the authorization of the governing body and the approval of the advisor.

Article VIII Constitution

If members wish to view a copy of the constitution, copies will be available upon request.

Article IX Faculty Advisor

Presently, Nicole Piscitelli will be serving as the organization's advisor. The club is responsible for finding an advisor that will be able to donate more of their time to the individual needs of the club. There can be more than one advisor, but at least one must be a faculty member.

Article X Method of Amending

Section 1 This constitution may be amended at a regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of all members. The proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to all members of the organization at least 7 days before voting upon. No constitution or bylaw should be amended by less than a 2/3 vote.

Section 2 Amendments to this constitution become effective upon the approval of the organization and the Office of Student Life.